A Mythology about Mr. Valentine - Version by Jules

Oh my, oh my, I slept like an Angel!
Way too many hours and couldn't stop enjoying
my cousy little bed with my heavy duvet =)
Sleeping beauty that slept all her life away...

Today is just another ordinary day except it's called The Valentine's Day! Usually I try to be a bit more loving than usual, but I'm supposed to be that anyway nowadays (God damn it, it's all NYE and The Power's fault, they just got to me...) so I'm skipping it today. Haha. Make sense? No, I know, Usually I don't ;)

But I'm gonna give you a little treat (see, a tiny bit more friendly). Do you know why we celebrate this day? Except for the part that the consuming business screams out of joy? Do you remember something vague about a Sankt Valentine...? Hm...yes...What did he do...? Did he hang out with Sankt Lucia..? Hehe, no, not really =)

Once upon a time, there was this man who saw love as something beautiful and really worth celebrating. This man was called Valentine (Hello, Valentine!), and lived in Rom, during the 200's. At this time, the Emperor was Claudius II, and he, he wanted his men to be warriors, not to be married and in love. So this powerful Emperor forbade marriage. But little Mister Valentine praised love soo highly that he gave lots of  young couples, flowers to cherish their special love, and he also worked as a priest! So he consecrated couples in love even though it was forbidden...

...So Valentine ended up in prison unfortunately, doomed to death by Claudius II, for his 'evil' crime. So there he was, and a beautiful girl, which was the prison warders daughter, gave him food and sweet little notes. He couldn't do other, but to fall head over heels for her. And when the time was up, on february 14th, he gave her a love letter where he signed it with - Your Valentine.

Ps. Claudius II died of the worldspreading pague at this time. Mohaha.

Happy Valentine's day!
Love made by approx. 2500 match sticks and took about 24 hours to do. Puh!
Someone else was very devoted to love aswell <3

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