Narrow perspective and a ocean of units and Moments

My perspective of life is very narrow now. I can't see the whole picture. It's like one unit at the time. Coffee, ben & jerrys (ate a whole one yesteday, booya), breakfast, sleeping, working. One thing at the time and only half of my heart in it. All because saturday. But I have my moments. Yesterday was a moment (or the evening was). A moment where I thought for myself that there's more to life than just him (mostly because an other flirt came to my work, haha. Silly little maneater I am. But no, not really).

Oh, Also, I'm being obsessed with Madonna (If you click here, you'll get the playlist I've created).  Obsessed as usual, haha. Oh well, I'm gonna make this whole weekend a moment. Good, good everlasting moment. Mm. My studies are getting a tiny bit behind. But I'll take care of it on sunday. Now I'm gonna do one of my favorite things nowadays; Shower. Really feel the water on your face and hear nothing. Nothing else at all. Just all the water on me, through my heart.


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