
En liten bit av Sthlms förort.

Good night, good day - Good morning. I guess all would be correct. Depending on were your feet stand and your head is. Isn't weird that ever time you wish to see a special someones face you never see it or when you least expect it you meet it? I believe it's a bit odd.

And as I've said before, if there is a certain someone above, it does have a lot of sense of humor. Why else would we have so many different chapters in our lives? Yes, maybe we do make them ourselves. But some of us are forward, have guts and never regret a thing. Others are shy, brooding and reflective. Still all of us do have memories and perhaps some milstones where we can tell each other when, where and why something started or ended. Do you have a clear start/ending in your chapters? Do you know when you wish you had chapter two in your life again or just wanted it to stop interfering with chapter four? Or for me, most importantly, do you have high hopes for the next chapters that will come?

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