Seasons of leaves and feelings.

(Photo: Jules)

And as the time goes by, the seasons change. Every year. From fall to winter to spring. Bring out your winterjacket or put on your sunglasses. Listen to christmas carols or the singing birds. And you're aware. Often you can smell the difference. You can feel the difference inside of you. New seasons come and old ones go. You know this happens but still you get a bit surprised every time you realize that it's actually a new season.

And as the time goes by. The feelings change. Just like the seasons. Maybe not as often, maybe not as rarely but you're aware. Maybe you get a little less tired of life, and a little bit happier. Maybe you just realize that you're better off in another situation then the one you stayed in for so long. You just don't know how or when or why but you do know this happens. You get over it. New feelings come and old ones go. Reverse. Just like the seasons. And still you get a bit surprised every time you realize that you actually do not feel what you've been feeling.

Seasons change.
Feelings change.
People change.

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