Le Love to all

You know sometimes, you have this feeling. This feeling you really can't explain. You just feel quite good, just being with yourself, listening to music and you're smiling without really knowing why. No special reason, no boy, no friend, no future plan or a past memory. No, it's just you. A tiny sweet feeling of relief of just being. A human being. Being you. This feeling is so rare and so comfortable. I just wanna feel it in every little bone structure inside of me and take a deep breathe. Awesome. Really just keep on to this feeling and enjoy it. Ever felt it? I hope all of us gets this feeling more and more often. Start with - turning of your television. The tele's bad, bad for you =)

So while having this cute feeling, I remembered that I made a comment on this post; LeLove.
And I got the sweetest answer ever; Julia, You just made my day. I almost got tears in my eyes and couldn't stop smiling. How awesome =) Internet is so cool. Connecting people =)  Pussssssss.

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