
Oh, I have no idea how it'll all turn out. But I do feel lucky. I have no social life,
do not eat very often (except junk), have dark circles under my eyes, feel how my vocabulary
is gettin' less n' less for everyday and having a hard time separating the business-Jules
from the off-duty-Jules and vice versa.

But I never do feel the time passing by, I just do, do n' do.
Until someone reminds me. Reminds me of food, friends, sleep and life.

I'm so looking forward to being confident about what I'm doing. I mean, I'm not as nervous as I
was the first days when I was all nervous n' nauseous, not sleeping and just crying. That wasn't very
long time ago either. I'm grateful that I'm learning pretty fast and not pushin' myself into too much
self-hate jus' because I'm new at this. These last days I've almost been having fun too. (Ok, I'm
having quite fun. Especially every time I forget to try to perform my best and expect it to be
as good as Albert Watson. Already. Too soon. Now).

I'm so lucky I managed to make my hobby into my work
and everyday of it combined with that feeling is worth gold to me.

(Photo: Jules).

Ps. Now my eyeslids are as heavy as lead, hehe. woopsie. Nightynighty, readers.
Hope to see some trace fr you soon aswell.

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