Things I think of...

- Holdning hands. How you can hold hands and it's all wrong, how the fingers wrapping around yours or that this person always wants to hold your other hand. And then how someone elses hand just fit perfectly into yours. The right way, the right hand, the right compromise of thumbs up n' down. And you could just sit and hold hands forever cause it's just so easy and comfortable =)

- Coffee. How you could make the cup of coffee a tiny bit more exciting by adding cinnamon to it.

- Bed. How lucky you are if you have a bed, that's so cousy,
that you never really wanna get up.

- Sunny thankfulness. Everyday you see the sunlight in your room you think:
"Yes! we got sun today aswell".

- Repeat of Memories. How you somewhere do remember the taste of saltwater, and that you really don't like it but would really appreciate the taste of it now, just so you can wake the memory to life again.

-  Time goes fast. That it's the end of February and we haven't got a single glimpse of spring yet. Please, please, pleeease, A tiny bit of spring next week (and that this month is shorter than all the other ones so shouldn't I get a discount on my rent...? Just sayin', it's kinda logical, you know).

-  Tips of from one Shopaholic to another. Ebay, tradera and other sites where you can buy things you love, really cheap. And sell whatever you are tired of in your closet. It is addictive. Very, very much so.

- Right now, the future is happening. And finally, this. This, This is so true and amazing.
Love it --> In this moment.

Coffee with a hint of cinnamon ;)


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