Simple tomato soup - Deliiish

Soup de Julia

- Cherry tomatoes (400-500 gram)

- ½ Red pepper

- ½ Garlic (which you press)

- Butter

- Onion (Between ½ - 1)

- A vegetable stock cube

- 2 spoons of water

- Black pepper, herbs, sugar and salt (Around 1 teaspoon of each).


- Pesto and/or Creme fraiche.

Put the butter in your sauce pan. Chop the onion and then you put the all spices (garlic, sugar, salt, black pepper and the herbs) in there aswell, together with the onion. Fry it so it'll get a nice smell and looks a bit golden. Then You put the stock cube in there with the water. Stir. Rinse the tomatoes. And now comes the fun! Put the tomatoes and the red pepper in the pan and mix it with a hand blender.  Stir and let it simmer a while.

Then it's done!!!! Nom nom nom. Lätt som en plätt ;D

Ps. If you'd like, you can put pesto and/creme fraiche in it before you use the hand mixer. Then your soup will be a bit more spicer and creamy. Otherwise you can leave it as it is or put a spoon creme fraiche on the top of the soup.

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