Thoughts in photos

I love beautiful pictures and I love balloons = Lovely combo.

I wish I was at an airport, drinking coffee and hittin' my friend cause I'm so excited and happy. Ready to rull with our bags, showin' off our passports and gettin' butterflies in our stomach during take off and landing. It's the best feeling in the world <3

I have a weakness for Jack Russells, cause I used to have one. So I'm looking forward the afternoons I'll have a dog in my knee and can touch their vey, very soft ears and smile when they bark in their sleep.

I'd give myself extra points whenever I manage to do an excellent meal, like this one, Omelet with feta cheese, tomatoes and spinach for example.

I'd like to wake up next to something like this and not feel panic of loosing it.

Can you feel the sand underneath your feet? Can you hear the waves of the ocean beside you?
Can you see the sun reflect in the sea? Can you smell the smell of summer? Beach love.

I appreciate the breakfasts I share with my beloved friends. It means so much just sittin' and enjoyin' the company and the first sip of a great cup of coffee together.

And this last picture is a hint for me.

(1, Sampo Kiviniemi, 3, Mine, 5?, 6?, 7, 8?)

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